Filamentosa Barb
The filamentosa barb is also called the mascara barb or black spot barb, but the true mascara barb is a slightly different species called Daw. assimilis. Similar in appearance and behavior, the mascara barb is a bit less common and has more color along the lateral line of the body, and male mascara barbs do not sport as long a dorsal fin.
The male filamentosa barb gets a lacy long colorful dorsal fin – hence filamentosa, and color highlites on the body that look like makeup – hence sometimes called the mascara barb. These barbs are rare and wild from India and seldom seen in the trade – one reason they are a bit pricey. The good news is that these fish are hardy and adapt well to aquariums.
- Scientific Name: Dawkinsia filamentosus
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Lifespan: 8 Years
- Max size: 3 1/2 inches
- Food: Flake, live, frozen
- Shipping Size: Approx. 2 inches
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